Electric vehicles (EVs) are no longer just a futuristic concept. They are rapidly becoming a staple on our roads, driven by increasing consumer demand and government incentives. For businesses, this shift necessitates an evolution in infrastructure to accommodate the growing number of EVs. One area that needs immediate attention is parking lot design.

Outsourcing the design of your parking lot to professionals can help businesses efficiently prepare for this change. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of outsourcing this task to ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles

Overview of EV Market Growth

The EV market is experiencing exponential growth. By 2025, it's estimated that EV sales will account for 20% of all new car sales globally. Government incentives and policies are playing a significant role in this surge. Countries like Norway, the Netherlands, and even giants like China and the United States are pushing for a transition to electric transportation through subsidies and tax benefits.

Impact on Infrastructure

This rise in EVs means that our infrastructure needs to adapt. Charging stations are becoming a necessity, and parking lots must be redesigned to accommodate them. Businesses need to consider not just the installation of charging points, but also the overall layout and functionality of their parking facilities.

Challenges in Designing EV-Ready Parking Lots

Technical Challenges

Designing EV-ready parking lots comes with its own set of technical challenges. Integrating charging stations into existing parking spaces requires meticulous planning. Additionally, ensuring a reliable power supply and efficient grid management is crucial to prevent overloading and ensure smooth operations.

Design Considerations

When it comes to designing these parking lots, space allocation for charging stations is vital. This includes considering the safety and accessibility of EV users. Proper signage, clear pathways, and safety measures like emergency call stations are essential components.

Cost Implications

While the initial investment in designing and constructing EV-ready parking lots might seem high, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. Not only do they offer a potential return on investment through increased customer satisfaction and retention, but they also position your business as a forward-thinking leader in sustainability.

Benefits of Outsourcing Parking Lot Design

Access to Specialized Expertise

Outsourcing your parking lot design allows you to leverage the expertise of professional civil engineers. These experts stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in EV infrastructure, ensuring that your design is both cutting-edge and compliant with all regulations. This is where civil engineering outsourcing services come into play, providing specialized skills that enhance project outcomes.

Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

By outsourcing, you can reduce the time and resources required for in-house design. Professional firms have streamlined processes and experience that allow them to avoid common pitfalls, ensuring a smoother and more cost-effective project. Civil engineering outsourcing can significantly reduce costs while maintaining high-quality standards.

Scalability and Flexibility

Outsourcing allows for scalability and flexibility in your design. Whether you need to adapt to future expansions or customize solutions to fit specific business requirements, professional firms can provide the necessary adjustments without compromising quality. This adaptability is crucial for outsourced civil engineering projects.

Key Elements of an EV-Ready Parking Lot Design

Charging Infrastructure

There are various types of charging stations, including Level 1, Level 2, and DC Fast Chargers. Placement and accessibility of these stations are crucial for user convenience. Proper planning ensures that charging points are easily accessible and do not disrupt the flow of traffic within the parking lot.

Power Management

Effective load balancing and energy efficiency are key components of an EV-ready parking lot. Integrating renewable energy sources, like solar panels, can further enhance sustainability and reduce operational costs.

User Experience

User experience is paramount in parking lot design. Clear signage and wayfinding, coupled with safety features and amenities, ensure that EV users have a seamless and enjoyable experience. This includes designated parking spots for EVs, pedestrian walkways, and adequate lighting.


The future of transportation is electric, and businesses need to adapt their infrastructure to stay relevant. Outsourcing the design of EV-ready parking lots to specialized professionals like Brigen Consulting ensures that your business is prepared for this transition. With our expertise in civil engineering outsourcing services, you can enjoy the benefits of efficient, future-proof designs that cater to the needs of your customers and employees.

Consider outsourcing your parking lot design to Brigen Consulting today to future-proof your business. Reach out to us to discuss your project requirements and learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

If you want to check our latest tutorial about: Parking Lot Grading Design Using AutoCAD Civil3D, check this link: https://youtu.be/qTCPEE9HEqU?si=ByAauVh44nkPyLSv