Data Security Process

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Data Security Process

Brigen Consulting understands the pivotal role of data and information security for a trustworthy outsourcing partner. We realize that customers worry about potential data violations and misuses. Therefore, we're committed to including guaranteed data and information protection in our outsourcing contracts to instill confidence in our clients.

Our strict security policies, tailored according to the criticality, speed, and size of the project, aim to enhance the relationship between vendor and client, fostering mutual trust and ethical business conduct. We employ a range of technologies, data formats, and protocols designed to mitigate the threat of data breaches, protect information from unauthorized recipients, and ensure data is only utilized for its intended purpose.

Here are the key features of Brigen Consulting's Information Security Policy:

  • Protecting data during transmission, at vendor premises, and on workstations.
  • End-to-end information security – before, during, and after project completion.
  • Adherence to information security across all data formats.
  • Utilization of cutting-edge technology for data protection.
  • Use of internal professionals and CAD processing to avoid information breaches.
  • Effective regulations to address current security threats.
  • Optional enhanced security measures as per client or project needs.
  • Routine security reviews of CAD data usage at all levels.
  • Deployment of comprehensive steps for safeguarding client data and information.
  • Early identification and prevention of possible breaches for each project.

At Brigen Consulting, we enforce rigorous security measures to combat CAD data security breaches:

Non-Disclosure Agreement

We're prepared to sign NDAs with clients upon request. Our staff must abide by NDA conditions and specific security protocols stated in their employment contracts.

Backup Procedure

We regularly backup files and store them in secured zones with limited access. Data on the main drive is purged daily.

Data Encryption

We use encryption for emails, folders, and files to maintain confidentiality and reduce the risk of breaches during data transmission.

Data Sharing

Only approved employees can share data, and they must adhere to established information security rules. We prohibit the sharing of client data.

We have a secure and strong network using VPN and Network, supported by the latest security updates. With this setup, we can continuously monitor and prevent unauthorized access and firewall violations. We use secure CISCO intelligent switches to protect data transmission through a reliable CISCO VPN Tunnel and neutralize threats like HTTP, UDP port, and others.

Employee access at Brigen Consulting is strictly controlled:

  • Only project-involved employees have system access.
  • Network logins require a password.
  • Remote access is prohibited.
  • All emails and files are encrypted and require digital signatures.
  • Systems and enterprise applications are password-protected and require a single sign-on.
  • Security surveillance and advanced monitoring technology are active 24/7.
  • Separate security and administrative monitoring exists.
  • USB ports, CDs, and other storage devices are disallowed.
  • Regular system audits are conducted.
  • Up-to-date anti-virus programs are installed on all workstations.
  • Backup management is centralized.

In conclusion, at Brigen Consulting, we prioritize ensuring the security of your data. We employ a multitude of strategies, from daily data purges, encryption during data transmission, strict employee access controls, to continuous security surveillance and routine system audits. Our robust and secure network is designed to offer the maximum level of protection for your important data. Our commitment to data security is an integral part of our promise to deliver highly effective and trustworthy services. 

Try Brigen Consulting and enjoy our advantages:

  • Civil Engineering partner that understands your needs.
  • Highly skilled Civil engineers in Vietnam.
  • Trial period, no sign up fees.
  • Our flexible engagement models are helpful to save your cost.



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